Gain a critical understanding of technological needs, threats, and weaknesses in cybersecurity relevant for today’s tech-driven world and earn an EU-recognized professional certificate from ACPM, a leading Cybersecurity Consultant in the EU, and Óbuda University, Hungary.
In today’s interconnected world, cybersecurity has become a paramount concern for individuals and organizations alike. The increasing frequency and sophistication of cyber threats require a comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity practices, ethics, laws, data security, open-source intelligence (OSINT) techniques, and more.
Óbuda University, ACPM IT Ltd and The Proposed Hekima University are pleased to present a comprehensive 3-day Cybersecurity Training program to equip professionals from various sectors with the knowledge and skills needed to safeguard their digital assets and navigate the complex landscape of cybersecurity.
Target Audience
This training program is designed for a diverse range of professionals, no previous experience is necessary:
HR Managers
Medical Practitioners
School Principals and Administrators
Data Managers and Analysts
IT Managers and IT Personnel
Record Managers
Legal Professionals and Lawyers
Managers in Non-profit Organizations
Other Executives
Key note Speaker
Bio link:
- Owner at ACPM IT Consulting, Hungary. ACPM IT Consulting is a leading Hungarian Tech company in IT security and business intelligence consulting for corporations, financial entities, and government organizations.
Program Objectives
- Educate participants about the ethical and legal aspects of cyber security.
- Provide a deep dive into data security and comprehensive cybersecurity practices.
- Enhance participants’ skills in utilizing OSINT techniques effectively.
What you will Earn
- Earn an EU-recognized professional certificate
- Expand your professional network and stay on the latest trends and best practices.
- Understand the importance of cybersecurity practices and their impact for organizations.
- Identify common risks, threats, and vulnerabilities as well as techniques to mitigate them.
Training Dates: 6th – 8th March 2024, 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Venue: Hekima University College, Main Campus, Off Joseph Kangethe Road
Cost: 60, 000 Kshs
Pay Bill: 488488
Account: 8261000013
Swift Code: CBAFKENX
Interested applicants should send their expression of interest by February 21st, 2024