From left to right: Fr. Kifle Wansamo, SJ, of Hekima Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations (HIPSIR), Archbishop Maurice Muhatia The Archbishop of Kisumu Metropolitan and Fr. Binamungu Mukasa, SJ .




Our Mission


To form men and women committed to the advancement of innovative knowledge and technological entrepreneurship


Our Vision



Visionary and ethical professionals who spur greater social transformation.

Our Motto

Creative vision bearers


Preparing Students beyond the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Philosophy Statement

Our belief is that technology can only advance in transforming human development in ways never imagined before.  Our economies, politics, religious practices, social life, and innovations build on technological knowledge to enhance this development.  We build on the natural capacity of every student who has the imagination to ethically research, innovate, and use technology to transform society. Our focus, therefore, is to provide an accessible, affordable, and quality education that aims to identify, nurture and professionalize our students’ talent. As a result, Hekima University graduates specialize in applied research to spur greater social development in a world that is technology driven.