The Proposed Hekima University Directorate Team visit to the County Government of Nakuru

The Proposed Hekima University Directorate team led by Fr. Dr Kizito Kiyimba ( The Provincial for Eastern Africa Province of the Society of Jesus) with Hon. Lee Kinyanjui (former Nakuru County Governor), Dr Eric Korir (Former Nakuru County Deputy Governor) at the County Headquarter Offices in Nakuru Town.

The Proposed Hekima university intends to prime itself as a Research University. A center for the development of new ideas and discoveries. A research University that aims to drive innovation, help respond to major national and global problems, and provide the narratives that make it possible to understand a rapidly changing and increasingly volatile and complex world. The Proposed Hekima university will also be a storehouse of knowledge and broad capabilities that provide research, innovation, and entrepreneurial capabilities that businesses, government, and communities can draw upon to help deal with the unexpected and unknown. 

The Proposed Hekima University model will expand the understanding of students and faculty by testing and challenging existing knowledge. It will also be a center of creativity that develops new technologies and new ways of doing things. Through education and scholarship, the Proposed Hekima University intends to make significant contributions to the region and the world by advancing science and technology in light of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and beyond. Furthermore, as a research university, it will also be a focal point of international collaboration, provide access to multinational expertise and facilities such as Institut Catholique d’arts et Métiers(ICAM), regional and international universities and research centres, and Jesuit Worldwide Learning(JWL). The proposed university intends to build a global reputation in its home country and attract talent from the region and around the world.

In general, the Proposed Hekima University will be a research university defined by its serious and pervasive commitment to research; excellence, breadth, and volume of its research outputs; and the way in which its research culture permeates across the university and all its activities, from teaching and learning to their engagement with business, government and the broader community.